Virginia Master Naturalist Program 2023 Year in Review

Each year, VMN chapter leaders work hard on annual reports that compile their membership and volunteering statistics and describe some of their most impactful projects from the year. It’s exciting for us to hear about their accomplishments, and it is clear that Virginia Master Naturalist volunteers are continuing to make important impacts in their communities and to benefit Virginia’s waters, woods, and wildlife.

Below, we present some of the 2023 data through a table of quantitative outputs and an impact statement that will be submitted to Virginia Cooperative Extension and other sponsors. To learn about more stories of volunteers and their projects, check out our 2023 VMN Program Awards announcement.

2023 Virginia Master Naturalists By the Numbers

New Basic Training Graduates
Total Enrolled VMN Volunteers
VMN Volunteers Reporting Service Hours
Volunteers Certified or Re-certified for 2024
Continuing Education Hours
Service Hours: Education and Outreach
52,184 (by 1,630 volunteers)
Service Hours: Science
79,923 (by 1,907 volunteers)
Service Hours: Stewardship
60,870 (by 1,782 volunteers)
Service Hours: Chapter Leadership
42,281 (by 1,457 volunteers)
Total Service Hours
Monetary Value of Service
$7.67 M
Sites Improved Through Stewardship
Number of new habitat sites planted/restored
Number of Direct Educational Contacts Made
Number of Indirect Educational Contacts Made
Number of Citizen Science Studies Supported

​2023 Virginia Master Naturalists contribute to natural resource education, citizen science, and stewardship across the Commonwealth


Virginia faces difficult natural resource challenges, such as loss of forestland, impacts of invasive species, pollution of our waterways, and disconnection between people and nature. State and local natural resource agencies need help to address these challenges, and public engagement is critical to their success. At the same time, individual Virginians need opportunities to be actively involved in exploring, caring for, and observing nature in their local communities, both for their own health and wellbeing and for the health of our natural resources. Furthermore, because the most impactful experiences in nature are deeply social, opportunities to connect people with nature through social groups are needed.  

two people sitting on the ground in a forest measuring somethingVMN volunteers spend time learning in the field in order to observe nature firsthand and practice their naturalist skills. Photo courtesy of Connie Reitz.


The Virginia Master Naturalist (VMN) program addresses these needs by supporting a statewide corps of volunteers providing education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities. With 30 chapters across Virginia, the program aims to extend the capacities of state and local natural resource organizations to achieve their missions in new ways, engage new audiences, and work towards creating a citizenry more informed about and involved in natural resource conservation and management. The program, because of its chapter-based structure, also promotes learning about, exploring, and stewarding natural areas through social groups. 

In 2023, the program grew to 3,345 enrolled volunteers. VMN chapters offered 30 basic training courses, resulting in 516 newly trained volunteers joining the ranks. Together, VMN volunteers reported more than 235,000 hours of service in Virginia, valued at $7.6 million. More than 1,500 volunteers earned the Certified Virginia Master Naturalist title by completing at least 40 hours of service and 8 hours of continuing education. Since the program’s inception in 2005, more than 7,000 individuals have become trained VMN volunteers, and those volunteers have contributed more than two million hours of service with a value of $57 million to the Commonwealth of Virginia.


Volunteer service hours were completed in four primary areas: education and outreach (52,184 hours; $1.70 million value), stewardship (60,870 hours at more than 600 sites, $1.98 million value), citizen and community science (79,923 hours, $2.60 million), and chapter leadership (42,281 hours, $1.38 million). VMN volunteer contributions in each of these areas resulted in positive impacts, such as restored habitats, new data for use in wildlife and land management, and more Virginians getting connected to nature.

Two noteworthy areas in which VMN volunteers made a difference in 2023 were promoting natural habitats and facilitating opportunities for Virginians to experience and learn about nature. 

group of 15 people examining plants on the ground next to a riverLower Potomac Gorge Ecosystem Monitoring – Volunteers are using a 1-meter square quadrat and placing it according to strict rules in a random fashion so the results can be generalized. By doing so, ARMN and the NPS will be observing the changes in vegetation that occur after invasive removal and learning about techniques that work or do not work in the process. Photo by Joy Tobin.

VMN volunteers are key contributors to the statewide effort to manage invasive species and promote native plants. In 2023, VMN volunteers helped produce two new regional native plant guides as part of the Plant Virginia Natives campaign. In addition, VMN volunteers created and restored dozens of native plant habitats that are improving ecosystem functions and serving as models for public visitors. Examples included a native plant garden renovation at Mason Neck State Park, a pollinator habitat meadow restoration at Holston Conference Cemetery-Emory & Henry, and a nature trail creation at Historic Smithfield next to the Virginia Tech campus. They also removed invasives from hundreds of additional sites, a first step to restoring habitat. Also in 2023, VMN volunteers assisted the Clifton Institute’s Virginia Native Seed Pilot Project which engages Virginia farmers in growing native plants for seed production. VMN volunteers’ involvement resulted in a substantial expansion of seed collection in previously underrepresented regions. VMN volunteers also made significant contributions to the Virginia Department of Forestry’s annual acorn collection, helping to produce hardwood trees at state nurseries for reforestation efforts. Both projects address the limited availability of local ecotype native plant seeds that has been a significant barrier to habitat restoration and the promotion of native plants. 

group of five people walking on a boardwalk through a forestVirginia Master Naturalists in the Tidewater Chapter lead local community members on a nature and history walk at Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge. Photo provided by Beth Deir.

VMN volunteers serve as guides to connect people to the natural spaces and resources in their communities. Due to facilitation by VMN volunteers in 2023, people had new, positive experience in nature. For example, VMN volunteers led a hike at the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge for members of a predominantly African American church. Although the worship center is less than two miles from the refuge, none of the congregation’s members had ever visited the refuge. The hike not only allowed the group to explore the unique ecosystem and its natural beauty, but the volunteers also shared the historical significance the swamp had to both African American and indigenous communities. In another example, A VMN volunteer in Fairfax County led a team in conducting a summer-long program focused on nature-related activities for teenagers from vulnerable communities. The program helped establish lasting positive connections with nature through hands-on activities outdoors. In Roanoke, a county park called upon Virginia Master Naturalists to lead a monthly nature walk for women on the park’s trails, due to a need expressed by female visitors who were concerned about hiking alone. The group hikes allowed women to be in nature, learn about the local ecosystems, exercise, and socialize – all things well known to improve health and sense of wellbeing. 

child peering through a magnifying glass at collection of pinned insects in a caseSouthern Piedmont Master Naturalists partnered with Occoneechee State Park for a ‘Pollinators in the Park’ event, offering a chance for visitors of all ages to learn about the importance of bees, butterflies, and other pollinator species.

Partnerships are a cornerstone of the program, and most VMN activities are conducted in collaboration with other organizations. In 2023, VMN chapters partnered with 478 different agencies and organizations across Virginia to accomplish shared conservation and education goals. At the statewide level, seven state agencies continued to sponsor and support the program and its volunteers.

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