Virginia Master Naturalist volunteers are lifelong learners! VMN volunteer training begins with the basic training course with a local chapter, but it doesn’t end there. VMN volunteers continue to build their naturalist knowledge, skills, and abilities through a variety of continuing education opportunities offered by the state office, the local chapter, and program partners.
Trainees in the Rivanna Chapter practice map reading skills. Photo by M. Prysby.Rivanna Master Naturalists learn to use different keys to identify organisms. Photo by M. Prysby.Occasionally, training classes include live animals, like this herpetology class in the Rivanna Chapter. Photo by Meg Clute.Most training courses include various field guides as part of the course materials, such as this guide to Virginia’s trees. Photo by VMN-Northern Neck Chapter.VMN volunteers in the Peninsula Chapter learn about fish at the Virginia Living Museum. Photo by VMN-Peninsula Chapter.For field sessions, VMN volunteers visit parks, natural areas, and other locations where they can see natural resource management and native species. Photo by VMN-Peninsula Chapter.Volunteers get hands-on practice with collecting invertebrate samples from streams to learn about water quality. Photo by R. Reilly.High Knob Master Naturalists learn about insects and practice techniques for creating an insect collection. Photo by April Addington.Eastern Shore Master Naturalists visit Assateague National Seashore to learn about coastal habitats and species. Photo by Ann Quigley.VMN volunteers in several chapters came together for continuing education on forestry. Photo by M. Prysby.Basic training course graduation is a time to celebrate new knowledge and connections. Photo by VMN-Central Virginia Chapter.