Several mushroom species in the genus Amanita are known to be poisonous, including this Eastern North American Destroying Angel (Amanita bisporigera; id by Photo by Jeff Clark (CC BY 2.0).
The Virginia Master Naturalist community may remember that VMN volunteers partnered with U.Va. Health to publish The Socrates Project – Poisonous Plants in Virginia in December 2020. Numerous presentations were given by the Socrates team in person and via Zoom, and the publication was very well received by the public.
Download the Socrates Project publication
Subsequently another team of VMN volunteers started working on The Cleopatra Project – Poisonous and Venomous Animals in Virginia, again in partnership with U.Va. Health. This publication was released by U.Va. in January this year.
A continuing education webinar about The Cleopatra Project was given for Virginia Master Naturalists on May 8, 2023.
Download the Cleopatra Project publication, and please contact for any information on this project or for requests to give a presentation.
It is with great pleasure that we can now introduce The Claudius Project – Poisonous Mushrooms in Virginia,
a new partnership between Virginia Master Naturalists and U.Va. Health. Claudius, the 4th Roman Emperor, was killed by eating a poisonous mushroom.
The Claudius team is now looking for VMN volunteers who have knowledge of mushrooms and who are willing to do some research and write a paper of about 500 words on one or more poisonous mushroom species.
In addition, the Claudius team is eager to locate other individuals in Virginia, who may not be enrolled VMN volunteers, but who have a sound knowledge of and high level of expertise relating to mushrooms. These individuals may be additional project contributors or peer reviewers.
The Claudius team will decide which mushroom species will be covered in this new publication. After that point, the team will be looking for photographers who have images of these species.
We are looking forward working on The Claudius Project – Poisonous Mushrooms in Virginia.
For any suggestions and questions about The Claudius Project please contact