ANROSP 2015 award winners from naturalist programs in North Carolina, Virginia, Utah, and California. Photo by Alycia Crall.
VMN volunteers signed up for daily shifts assisting natural resource professionals with outreach activities at a new State Fair exhibit.
Volunteers signed up to provide education and outreach at the 3-building exhibit, “Living on the Water: The Chesapeake Bay.” VMN volunteers received training from VDEQ to prepare them for their work, and then they worked alongside state agency staff to engage visitors in learning about live native animals such as horseshoe crabs and turtles, as well as about what Virginia is doing to improve the health of the Bay. “I had a blast, and the most fun in months! I’ll definitely volunteer next year,” wrote Nick Koreisha (VMN volunteer, Fairfax Chapter.)
This Great Purple Hairstreak butterfly was a park record for Yorktown. Photo by Shirley Devan.
Ten Chapter volunteers along with 12 other Park volunteers gathered Saturday, September 12 to form three teams to survey Yorktown Battlefields, Colonial Parkway, and Jamestown Island. This survey was a true community effort.
The survey was planned and coordinated by Dorothy Geyer, Natural Resource Specialist, and Peggy Whitney, BioTech Assistant, of the Colonial National Historical Park of the National Park Service. Volunteers spent 7-8 hours in the field on the day of the count and recorded over 70 volunteer hours.
The three teams tallied 42 butterfly species and 740 individuals. A new park record was a Great Purple Hairstreak found by the Yorktown team.
- The Yorktown group observed 22 species, including a high count of 82 Common Buckeyes.
- At Jamestown 28 species were identified, the highest number of the three sections. The most numerous species was the Least Skipper with 34 individuals.
- Along the Parkway, 25 species were observed with a high count of 89 Common Buckeyes.
- All three teams spotted Monarch butterflies and a total of 12 individuals.
Per Peggy Whitney: “It was a great success and we couldn’t have done it without all of you.”
Daina Henry receiving award from Jameson Brunkow – James River Association
ts, and twice-a-year cleanups of Lucas Creek.
VMN volunteer Don Hearl, Old Rag Chapter. Photo by Pat Temples.