Volunteers Learn Together in Newport News
Virginia Master Naturalist volunteers learn about beach and bay ecology at the 2014 Statewide Conference.
Virginia Master Naturalist volunteers from across the Commonwealth came together September 26-28 at the Virginia Living Museum in Newport News for the sixth Virginia Master Naturalist Statewide Conference and Training. More than 30 sessions were offered on topics such as wildlife habitat improvement, identifying native shrubs, and bat conservation. In addition, volunteers chose from more than a dozen field trips to special locations in the area such as False Cape State Park and the Great Dismal Swamp. This year’s conference was the largest ever, filled to capacity at 225 attendees. The host chapters, Peninsula and Historic Rivers, planned and conducted an excellent event, and more than 40 chapter volunteers helped make the event a success. Thank you to all of the volunteers, instructors, attendees, and the staff of the Virginia Living Museum for such a successful conference!
In 2015, the VMN program will hold regional conferences in lieu of an annual conference. The regional conference model will allow for participation of more volunteers, and will offer a chance to focus the training on locally relevant topics. We are currently seeking chapters to host these one-day trainings. For the list of regions and for more information on the responsibilities of the host chapters, please contact Alycia Crall.
In 2015, the VMN program will hold regional conferences in lieu of an annual conference. The regional conference model will allow for participation of more volunteers, and will offer a chance to focus the training on locally relevant topics. We are currently seeking chapters to host these one-day trainings. For the list of regions and for more information on the responsibilities of the host chapters, please contact Alycia Crall.
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